Apple recently announced macOS Catalina, the latest version of their desktop operating system. It’ll be available for everyone this fall, but they’ve made a beta available for users who want to experiment.

One of the big changes in macOS Catalina is the full removal of support for 32-bit applications. This will impact all of the current versions of our applications, EditReady and ScopeBox. We’re currently wrapping up native 64-bit versions of both applications, including an all new version of ScopeBox, and expect to have them ready to go before the release of macOS Catalina. If you’re still using ClipWrap, you’ll want to consider upgrading to EditReady.

We always recommend being cautious when updating your operating system, particularly on Macs that are critical to production. We would definitely avoid the beta versions of macOS Catalina on any computers that you rely on day-to-day. However, we know some of our users like to experiment on spare computers. If you’re already trying Catalina and would like to try previews of the latest versions of our applications, please drop us a line.

We’re excited to get these new releases out the door, and we’ve got a lot of exciting updates coming in the future.