ClipWrap 2.5.8 Update
After a busy week ironing out issues for the Mac App Store, we’re releasing our first update targeting both App Store and direct customers. Check out what’s new, and how we plan to deploy updates to App Store and direct customers going forward.
ClipWrap 2.5.8 is a small change, but one that we didn’t want to keep in our pocket any longer:
- Rewrapped AVCHD files playback significantly better in Adobe Premiere CS6
Basically, we’ve slightly modified the file structure of our rewrapped AVCHD files. They should play the same in all other apps, but Premiere CS6 users will see a major change. These files now playback with the same native pipeline as raw mts files. This means better performance, lower battery usage, etc.
This also introduces our current plan for rolling out updates targeting both the App Store and our direct customers. Apple’s review process is currently adding 2+ weeks to turn around or updates. So we’ve decided not to hold our direct releases in order to release both the same day. Instead, we’ll release via the website and autoupdate to direct customers the day we finish our internal testing and validation - and at the same time we’ll send the update to Apple to begin approval.
This will result in a slight delay in releases to App Store customers, the only other option is to delay release to everyone. It’s not an ideal situation, but we think it’s better than the alternatives.
As always, feel free to contact us at